Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Abu Dhabi in Cartoons

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Leif Hagen August 4, 2009 at 5:48 PM  

I like your cartoon photos but personally I'd like to see the regular, "Non-funky" photos again...

MomOf2 August 4, 2009 at 8:54 PM  

LH, I posted this for you once before but will repeat it as you seemed to have missed it. You will have to wait a while for the regular photos, probably until summer's end. The Abu Dhabi Daily Photographer is on vacation. He posted the following in June:

"Alas, today is my last post for a while. After 224 consecutive postings, the Abu Dhabi Daily Photographer is taking a well-earned break to the other side of the planet. Whilst I’m away, I’ll be leaving you in the capable hands of my 9 year old nephew, who I warn you now is a big cartoon fan. So be ready for something different. Ciao!"

BTW, ADDP Nephew, you are doing a fine job!

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A collection of photographs portraying life in one of the world's wealthiest cities - Abu Dhabi, the island capital of the United Arab Emirates by Peter Waters, a photography aficionado, a thalassophile (look it up !) and proud finalist of the du Social Media Awards 2012 for Best Blog/Blogger

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